Saturday, 14 April 2012


 This is my AS media blog for my coursework! To find my documents, videos and anything else that can be viewed via this medium, please look to the right of the blog where there different pages for this. For reflections on work and other such things just scroll down and have a look!
Thank you  ^^

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Evaluation time part 7!!

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
To show the use of technology I thought I would do it via visual mood boards and a brief explanation:
Within my project technology was a vital role within it, it helped me edit my work, find research for my project and stored my work on the net somewhere as well. Though it didn`t come without its issues, such as personally my laptop breaking and needing to go into repair whilst during the evaluation process; this could be easily resolved with trip to my local library!
Mood board
View more presentations from evieanne24.

Evaluation time part 6!!

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I feel that our preliminary task was a great help towards our main projects in regards to filming, it helped realise the best angles, timings and how we structured our sequence. The reason being we used the idea of some walking around a street and walking into a room for both projects. Though our preliminary was a lot more simple. Though we used camera techniques such as tracking, mid shot and close up. Though in other respects certain actions that were slightly more complicated such as two person shot were not used; but it was not relevant so not needed, though we proved we could do this via preliminary.
There is also a very apparent improvement in regards to the quality of the video itself on the website vimeo, this has improved extensively since then and is a lot more clear to read. Another apparent change between the two videos is the editing, the editing in the preliminary is very jumpy and doesnt flow as well as the film intro.
Also within the preliminary task there are some very apparent glitches and it is a bit shakey in some parts, this slightly apparent lack if knowledge was hopefully ironed out in our main task!


Main Task

Evaluation time part 4 and 5!!

Who would be the audience for your film?

& How did you attract/address your audience?
Question 4

This is Alice Richardson. She is 16 years and 8 months old, and lives in the suburbs of London.
She likes dressing as if she is from a different era and loves to style her hair and clothing like she is from these times - her favourite eras being the 40s, 50s and 60s. She enjoys sleepovers with her friends, and shopping at the weekends with her pocket money. She shops in places like H&M, New Look, Charity Shops, Vintage Shops and Topshop.

She enjoys films like Submarine, Rock Horror Picture Show, Sabrina, Quadrophenia, 500 Days Of Summer and Some Like it Hot. She finds out about these movies via blogs sites such as Tumblr and Pinterest and the buys them on DVD out of intrest and to widen her interests.

She also enjoys watching TV shows like Sherlock, Friends, LA Ink, Doctor Who, The Big Bang Therory, America's Next Top Model, Misfits. The main channels would be Channel 4; E4; ITV; BBC One and Three; Comedy Central.

The music this girl would listen to would be anything that catches her ear though normally takes a preference to more alternative, varying from metal, rock, soul, anything before from the 20th century and indie music - not really a 'hip hop' or 'pop' or 'dub-step' kinda girl, though wouldn`t rule out giving them a listen. Listens to X FM for Indie favourites. She also looks up videos on You Tube and normally prefers buying her music via albums on CD.
I think our film would appeal to this girl as she is not your typical mainstream girl who enjoys typical girly things, therefore, she would therefore probably watch this film as it is off the beaten track and she make preferences to things that are not of this time; so this may appeal to her. Also this film is similar to other films she likes, such as Quadrophenia, Nowhere Boy, V For Vendetta and American Beauty.

Question 5
I feel that my target audience are teenagers and young adults who are into more independent films and like more experimental or more unusual story lines and less conventional settings. This as well as the theme of coming of age makes the film relatable to its young audience.
When looking at this question I think the way in which I would attract the target audience I would use slightly more obscure social networking sites such as Tumblr and Pininterest. Though I may still use more popular websites such as Twitter and Facebook. The places I would stock the film if it was to be distributed to shops like HMV and internet shops like Amazon. 
My film would be release on a fairly small scale and may not appeal to a mainstream audience as much due to it being in sepia which is not the norm currently. It may be released in Odeon as they show films which on the beaten track such as The Artist. My film would also be released in Picture House Cinemas.

Evaluation time part 3!!!

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media instuition that I think my opening sequence for my film would be distributed to would either be an independent film company or a more mainstream company that creates more obscure work. The company I decided to put as the ident at the beginning of my intro is Film Four, I decided that this would be perfect due to films like "This is England" were along the same lines as "Heartful of Soul" though it is not as explicit as that! 
I also think that my my film would be distributed to audiences that find films such as The Artist and Qudraphenia interesting as it is like a window to another world and is reminiscent of the "good old days".

I think that the rating of my film would be a 12A as the film would contain mature themes as we see the "journey" of Curtis which may involves things such as sex or drugs.
My film would be release on a fairly small scale and may not appeal to a mainstream audience as much due to it being in sepia which is not the norm currently. It may be released in Odeon as they show films which on the beaten track such as The Artist. My film would also be released in Picture House Cinemas.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Evaluation time part 2!!

How does you media product represent particular social groups?
Since I have several social groups involved in my sequence I shall have to evaluate them all:

Both males seem to have the same kind of ruffled hair which was a typical look of a student of the 60s. They both have quite a laid back look about them.Though a personal improment for me would maybe have "Curtis" wear a pair of sun glasses though it may have not worked too well with the weather!

These two have quite apparent similarities though the difference are also appparent. Both are wearing shirts though our recreation wears without a tie and unbuttoned, both have the same kinda of hair style and both are wesring jackets though the 60s photo wears a blazer unlike ours which wears a leather jacket. 

I would say that say that personally we have got this look quite spot on; both men have large glasses on, both smartly dressed (though our recreation has a smarter look to him with a shirt and tie), there both walking in a street and have their hands in their coats.

These two photos have quite a like looks to them, later on in the sequence the actor in the sequence begins to play the guitar which relfectas the hippie further.Both are wearing jeans, a pastel shirt and a waist couat over their outfits.  

As the main theme I feel personally for our title sequence was the change in style and social groups that the character Curtis goes through throughout the intro. I feel it shows his changing identity as an musican, teenager to adult and of the changing times of the decade.
I think that all of our own renditions of the 60s social groups. Most of the photos that I used to campare my work to are all either from modern movies set in the 60s or look as if they were recreated; the only one ofthe selection that seems as if it is genuinely from the 60s is the Teddy Boy one.
I feel that personally be have captured the essence of 60s quite well and though we did not have the budget that the people who created these films had, we didnt do to bad of a job with it!